Full Stack Web And Mobile App Development Specialization

About this Specialization

Learn front-end framework and hybrid mobile app development, with the support of server-side, for implementing a Full Stack Web And Mobile App Development.The main two courses in this Specialization cover front-end frameworks: Bootstrap 4 and Angular. You’ll also learn to create hybrid mobile applications, using the Ionic framework, Apache Cordova and NativeScript. 

On the server side, you have to learn how to implement NoSQL databases using MongoDB, work within a Node.js environment and Express framework, and communicate to the client side through a restful API. Learners enrolling in this Specialization are expected to have knowledge of HTML, CSS and JavaScript.

Ideally learners should complete the courses in the specified sequence. It is strongly considered that the Angular course be completed before proceeding with the Ionic framework,Cordova and the NativeScript course.

Skills You Will Gain With This Specialization 

  • Mobile Application Development
  • Mongodb
  • Bootstrap(Front End Framework)
  • Ionic(Mobile App Framework)
  • SASS(StyleSheet Language)
  • Reactive Programming
  • Apache Cordova
  • Node Js

What You Will Learn

  • Understand client-side web UI frameworks
  • Use of Angular Material and Angular Flex-Layout for UI design
  • Utilize the Ionic mobile application framework
  • Build mobile apps for multiple platforms with a single codebase

There are 5 Courses in this Specialization

1.Front-End Web UI Frameworks and Tools: Bootstrap 4

This course contains an overview of client-side web UI frameworks, in particular Bootstrap 4. In this course one can learn about  responsive design, Bootstrap CSS and JavaScript components .You will learn about CSS preprocessors, Less and Sass. This course also includes the basics of Node.js and task runners like Grunt and Gulp.

2.Front-End JavaScript Frameworks: Angular

This course includes front-end frameworks, and the Angular framework . You will learn about techniques that are used for developing single-page apps.Also learn about designing both template-driven forms and reactive forms.

In this course one can learn about Angular framework support for client-server communication through the HTTP client and the use of REST API on the server side. You must have a working knowledge of front end web-UI frameworks to be able to navigate this course. Also a good knowledge of JavaScript,which is strongly recommended.

3.Mobile App Development with Web Technologies: Ionic and Cordova

This course is on developing mobile applications using the various Web technologies (HTML5, CSS and Javascript). We make use of the Apache Cordova hybrid application framework to develop and target multiple mobile platforms with a single codebase. We use Ionic framework,which is the most popular mobile application frameworks, that is built with mobile-optimized HTML5 and CSS based components and Angular. 

4.Multiplatform Mobile App Development with NativeScript

This course focuses on developing cross-platform, native iOS and Android apps using NativeScript. The framework uses Angular.js or modern JavaScript to get native UI while sharing skills and code with the web. You will learn about UI development with NativeScript UI  and access the native mobile platform\’s capabilities from Javascript. Before proceeding with this course you should have already completed the Bootstrap 4(front-end framework) and the Angular courses in the previous course

5.Server-side Development with NodeJS, Express and MongoDB

This course deals with the server-side. We start with a discussion of Web protocols: HTTP and HTTPS. We learn NodeJS and NodeJS modules: For building web servers.We learn the REST concepts and building a RESTful API. 

At the end of course, one can- elaborate an understanding of server-side concepts to Build and configure a back-end server using NodeJS to access front-end services and Build a RESTful API for the front-end to access back-end services.


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